Sunday, October 9, 2011

producers and consumers

In my plot there are producers and consumers, there are examples here from my plot. raccoon, it is an omnivore, and its Latin name is procyon lotor. Next is the deer, a herbivore, Latin name is odocoileus. Next is the porcupine it is a herbivore and the Latin name is erethizon dorsatum. Next is the rabbit and it is a herbivore, and its Latin name is oryctolagus cuniculus. Next is the red tailed hawk it is a carnivore and its Latin name is louteo. Next is the Great Blue Heron it is a carinivore and Latin name ardea herodias. Next is Garden snake it is a carnivore, and Latin name is ophidia. Next is Field Mouse it is a herbivore and Latin name microtus. Next is the Fox and it is an omnivore Latin name is vulpes. Next is Mushroom it is a decomposer and its Latin name is pleurotus ostreatus. Next is the Robin its a omnivore and its latin name is turdus. Next is the rat and it is an omnivore and the Latin name is rattus. Next is the ant and its aomnivore with a Latin name of formica. Next is the crow who is a decomposer and  its Latin name is cornix. Next is the tick it is a decomposer its Latin name is tecinicus. Next is the owl its a carnivore and has a Latin name of noctua. Next is the squirrel it is an omnivore and its Latin name is sciurus. Next is the daddy long legs spider it is a carnivore and has a Latin name of pholcidae. Next is the frog it is a herbivore with a Latin name of rana. Next is the catipillar it is a herbivore and its Latin name is papilio indra. Next is the snapping turtle its omnivore and its Latin name is chelydra. Next is the painted turtle it is an omnivore and its Latin name is chrysemys. Next is the minnow its a herbivore and its Latin name is pimephales notatus. Next is the worm it is a detrivore it has a Latin name of gusano. Next is the mosquito its a decomposer and its Latin name is anopheles quadrimaculatus. Next is the bat its an omnivore and has a Latin name of chiroptera. Next is the fish some are herbivores some are carnivores and the Latin name is namaycush. Next is the cardinal its a herbivore and its Latin name is cardinalis. Next is the blue jay it is a herbivore and its Latin name is cyanocitta cristata. Lastly the woodpecker it is a herbivore and it has a Latin name of picus.

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