Saturday, October 1, 2011

Plot Community

There are many different types of relationships in nature, like competition. The frogs and turtles compete for water space, just like the fish and turtles. Predation is another relationship that is found in nature, like the birds, the hawk is a predator to the mice, and the blue heron is a predator to the fish. Also there are symbiosis relationships the first being mutualism were both species benifit. Such as a bee and flower. the bee gets food and the flower gets pollinated. Same with the butterfly and flower, the butterfly gets food and the flower gets pollinated. Another type of symbiosis relationship is commensalism, this is when there is a relationship between two species and one benefits and the other does not but is not harmed. Such as an ant carrying a leaf or the fish in water. There is a symbiosis relationship that one species benefits and the other doesn't, this is called parasitism. This happens with deer having ticks or the deer having round worm.

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