Sunday, October 23, 2011

My Response

I felt like the plot study was a great idea. I really liked seasonal changes the best because i got to sea how the trees and the plots surroundings changed. I learned more about how quickly the leaves can change. Although this project was a bit challenging for me in the sense that i had to squeeze in the time to go look at my plot and take pictures and such because of after school activities such as soccer, i learned we should pay more attention to nature. God created it so we need to keep it clean since it is so beautiful and we don`t want to change that by cluttering it.I also learned that there is more going on than what you would see at a quick glance. Another thing is the relationships, i had no idea that so many animals helped, or helped themselves, each other to be better than what they would be without the other. Also from doing this project i learned how to use technology better such as taking pictures and learning how to do a blog. After this project is done i feel that i am going to have a new perspective on nature, one with more understanding on what exactly happens in my plot or any other plot. Though i am not sure what i will do specifically with the knowledge gained from my plot or ecology in general I do know that my plot is in my mind way cooler now than when I first started this project.

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