Thursday, September 29, 2011

Taking Action

When looking at my plot it looks nice, but there was some trash from various activities. So today i went to my plot and picked  up the trash that was there. these are pictures of my plot and the trash that was collected.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Biotic or Not?

In my plot there are many different things. they are usually biotic and some are abiotic. examples of the abiotic items are the rocks, the water,  the sand, the clouds, and the air. There are also biotic features to my plot which include the things that were living or are still living. Such as these that are found in my plot. there are birds, ants, trees, leaves, grass, spiders, mosquitos, the fish in the pond, the turtles, the seaweed, caterpillars, leeches, frogs, snakes, and bunnies. these are all either biotic or abiotic features about my plot

Monday, September 19, 2011

Looking Closley

I saw two different things under the microscope, one was of a blade of grass that was found in my plot. under the microscope it looked different. it had cells in a rectangular type of form with the length being longer than the width so it was a skinny rectangle. another object that i observed was a leaf from a clover, it was different than the grass. It had a circular shape to the cells instead of the rectangle. It looked much like bubble rap, but without being as organized in straight rows.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Plot is an Ecosystem

There are many different levels of organization in my plot there are atoms, in everything like the birds and the leaves. Then there are molecuels that are in things like grass or bark on a tree. then cells which can be found in lots of places too such as in a squirrel or leaf. then there are tissues which can be found on birds and fish. then organs, like in any living thing like a rat or human. organ systems are next and found in birds in the sky and chipmunks on the ground. then organisms like spiders or misquitos. population such as many spiders or squirrels. communities are next like a community of plants or a community of bees. this all makes up an ecostystem and this ecosytem is my plot.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Nature Poem Expression

I wrote a poem about my plot and drew and colored a picture to represent my plot.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Meet my Plot

My plot study location was chosen here because it is easy to get to since it is very close to my home, off of hall street across from forest hills central. My plot looks like an ordinary woods with a pond in the back. It has many different types of birds, animals, insect, and fish, and all kinds of plants too. it also contains mud grass and leaves. when I enter my plot i can hear birds chirping and frogs gurgles and the winds humming. I can feel the ground soft in some areas and hard in others, also i can feel the wind in my face and the trees, the water, the grass, the reeds, and all the animals and insects if I`m fast enough. I think that a plot study is a great way to observe nature and how it changes over time and through the seasons, and I am not sure as of now what i will be doing for any of the projects.